

the cost of delivering the products and services we propose will depend on the size of the challenge proposed and the requirements of the nonconformist, secrecy positive and total surveillance-compliant thinking-space(s) judged to be needed:

  1. the first step, as with all IT-based processes of lean discovery, involves a series of interviews to discover the truth of your workplace.

  2. we prefer to spend much more time on establishing a true discovery of needs than most other organisations will argue is necessary. we don’t take existent libraries and tools and dress them up as specific and bespoked to you.

  3. go to our truth consulting whitepaper to find out more about how existing technologies can be radically re-purposed to save you financial pain — while, at the same time, enabling you to capture and validate your organisation’s intellectual property much better. IP that is frequently workforce created and driven, and yet very often completely wasted too:



